AIstain is AI-based image translation technology for tissue staining used by pathologists and educators and was developed at CityU.
Pathologists routinely examine thin tissue sections under a microscope to diagnose the disease.
The sections need to be stained for contrast, such as by diagnostically sensitive and specific immunostains. Unfortunately,
immunostaining using current antibody methods takes hours to days, and requires specialized equipment. Further,
a stained section often cannot be re-stained. AIstain will permit virtual immunostaining, reducing staining time to seconds,
enabling a section to be stained multiple times, reducing the use of hazardous chemicals, and allowing more pathologists to use immunostaining.
AIstain will be accessed through a cloud computing interface like that below. The interface requires the user to upload standard stained tissue images
(eg. fast H&E staining), routinely used by pathologists, and computes images of the same tissue with select immunostains (virtual immunostaining) for download.
AIstain will be immensely valuable to veterinary pathology laboratories and their associated clinics.